Just read this in No More Christian Nice Guy by Paul Coughlin:
Jesus praised cunning behavior. We find this in the story of the crooked manager. Jesus concludes: “Now here’s a surprise: The master praised the crooked manager! And why? Because he knew how to look after himself. Streetwise people are smarter in this regard than law-abiding citizens. They are on constant alert, looking for angles, surviving by their wits. I want you to be smart in the same way—but for what is right—using every adversity to stimulate you to creative survival, to concentrate your attention on the bare essentials, so you’ll live, really live, and not complacently just get by on good behavior” (Luke 16:8-9 The Message).
I think this is especially cogent in view of recent events. The Christian Church has been happy just getting by on good behavior. I think it’s about time we became shrewd, wise as serpents, actively offensive instead of passively defensive. They ought to be afraid of us! We have the wisdom and insight of the Creator of the universe on our side!
BTW, I recommend this book. I read it once ten years ago, and now I’m reading the new updated version. Good stuff regarding what Christian masculinity looks like in a world where toxic masculinity is a buzz word and society is actively feminizing the role of men in our society.
Far from being shrewd or effective in today’s society, many Christian men are content to drift smoothly with the flow. Whether from an overdeveloped sense of focusing only on our own family and immediate sphere of influence (no doubt in some ways a very necessary and powerful trait, especially in these days when such a vast number of kids are being raised in fatherless homes) to the exclusion of all others, or an inordinate desire for a comfortable life full of bigger and better toys, or simply the fear of rejection, rocking the boat, or losing friends, the sad truth is many Christian men are nothing like Jesus, nor do they realize they are supposed to be.
Jesus was not passive. He was often not sweet and gentle. He whipped people. Called them nasty names to their face. Called out their sin. Dealt with people with cutting humor, sarcasm and wit depending on the need of the moment. Yes, He was also kind and holy when necessary. But often not.
Would Jesus have voted for Trump? No matter how I answer that question I’ll get crucified by well-meaning Christians. That’s why I won’t answer it. I’ll address it with other questions:
Would Jesus have voted for those who murderously support late term abortion, and oppose the born alive bill?
Would Jesus have voted for a milquetoast career politician who would have just given us four more years of the same old same old?
Would Jesus have voted for a man who promised to save lives by fighting for the pre-born, and fighting against human trafficking, and fighting for the peace of Israel, and fighting for freedom and equality guaranteed in the Constitution?
Would Jesus have voted for a socialist who promised to move this country in the direction of Marxist or Communist control, thereby eliminating religious freedoms for everyone?
And, once He voted, would Jesus have just rolled over, shrugged his shoulders, said “Oh well, maybe next time,” returned to his carpentry business, and simply tried to quietly survive the onslaught of anti-business, anti-family, anti-God, anti-Israel, anti-baby, anti-freedom legislation for the next four years?
I kinda doubt it. I think He would have had some things to say about all that.
But of course the political realm is only one very small arena in which men are needed.
- Husbands, do you love your wife sacrificially like Jesus loves the Church?
- Dads, would you die for your kids?
- Men, would you speak up when everyone else is laughing at dirty jokes?
- Sons, do you take care of your older parents with love and patience?
- Men, do you stop to help the poor, the needy, the hungry, those in prison, the homeless, the oppressed?
- Men, do you put your money where your mouth is, tithing and giving as God instructs?
- Husbands, do you actively pursue the dreams and desires of your wife above your own?
- Fathers, are you the spiritual leader, the fighter, the pursuer of that which is good and pure on behalf of your family?
So, this was actually a kind of book review. I didn’t start it off like that, but it really is. No More Christian Nice Guy is a very good start in the direction of getting back the needed masculine spirit, in the form it was originally created, and for the purposes for which it was originally created. But it’s not just for men. Women, especially mothers of sons, will benefit from the book, and I think it can start a very good conversation among us Heretics.
Men, we have a lot of work to do. Let’s grow a pair and start acting like the soldiers in Christ that God created us to be!
Let me know what you think in the comments.