Think of life in America like this: there are these big containers called education, government, media, family, religion, arts and entertainment, and business. Yes, these are the seven mountains of society, but they are real and they represent the various aspects of life as we know it.

These containers are not ours to define. They are the natural consequence of life in the society in which we live, and they indeed represent big voids that must be filled in order for our society to actually function.

These voids WILL be filled with something. It can’t be avoided. Similar to the “God shaped hole” inside each human being, these containers are begging to be filled with something – anything – that will cause them to function, either for better for worse.

The Church has abdicated its role in most of these areas, and our crumbling society is the evidence. How has this happened? Because something is going to fill the void, and we have allowed a godless naturalistic worldview to dominate, to fill these various containers, with corruption, evil, confusion and hate, while we hunker down and wait for the rapture, for God to rescue us out of this mess and send the rest of humanity to hell.

Our enemy correctly understands that these voids must and will be filled by something, and he has been working hard to fill them with his perverted solutions.

No longer.

We’re onto him, and there are big changes in the air. Change is always messy. The bigger the change, the bigger the mess. And some HUGE change is needed in order to fill these containers with the truth of Christ. Those Christians, pastors, churches and para-church organizations that believe the lies of the enemy (and there are, unfortunately, far too many) are cooperating with the enemy exactly according to his plans.

But there is an uprising that is already gaining a lot of traction. These containers are now being challenged, as we begin to fill them with the truth of God. There are battles being waged on every front, from local school boards to the highest seats of government power. The enemy is scared stiff. He is pulling out all the stops, even to the point of redefining language itself, in an attempt to fool as many people as possible into believing his lies (see THE GRAND UNIFIED THEORY OF THE FAR LEFT).

From woke sports to BLM to gender confusion to unchecked immigration to rampant pro-abortion activity to perverse topics being taught in our schools, he is trying to hit us on all fronts and fill the containers with lies and perversion. And because this is primarily a spiritual battle, followers of Jesus present the only possible solution.

As these containers begin filling with truth and light, it mixes with the filth already present and creates a big mess, and we are now feeling the resulting tremors. It will be an earth-shaking process, and many voices in-the-know are declaring that everything that can be shaken will be shaken.

Change can be good, but it is rarely comfortable. All the big changes that happened in the Bible required some real guts before the glory became evident: Daniel and his three Hebrew buddies stared death in the face for standing for truth, but God saved them all, and in spectacular fashion. And here’s the big takeaway from those lessons: in Daniel’s case, those who falsely accused him were themselves destroyed by the same punishment they had hoped for Daniel. In the story of Esther, Haman was hanged from the very gallows he had built for Mordecai. In the story of Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-bego, they ended up being promoted to high places of honor after surviving the king’s “punishment.” Joseph ended up the second most powerful man in Egypt after remaining obedient to the will of God.

There is glory in the end, if we can just see through the mess until the light overcomes the darkness. It’s happening, it’s not going to be stopped, and we must all get in on the action, or be left behind. Those Christians who do not speak up, stand up, and fight for truth will be later identified as the cowards who felt that comfort and peace was superior to the truth and light of God.

I want to encourage everyone reading this to never lose heart, always stand for truth, continue to support the search for truth in our nation, our politics, our education system, our businesses, our government, and all these “containers” that make our society function. God is doing the heavy lifting, as He always does, but He needs our hands and feet to make the changes on this earth that He is fighting for.

Never compromise. Stand for truth all the time, in every situation. Don’t let the statements of fear and compromise from your co-workers, family, friends, government officials and others go unchallenged. Jesus confronted lies whenever He encountered them, and we are to do the same. And with the help of the Holy Spirit, we will not only win the war, but we will instigate change in the hearts of those lost in the lies and controlled by darkness, and help to usher them in to the glorious light of Jesus!

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