It’s my opinion that the geniuses who design food packaging should be forced to eat the food for which they are designing the packaging. Tonight I tried to open a package of pesto that had a clear plastic cover with a little pull tab. For the life of me I could not open it. I had to cut the whole thing open with a knife. And this is not the first time. I can’t remember all the times I tried to obey the “open here” directions to only fight and wonder in my head “How do they expect a little old arthritic lady to open this package???!!!”

I also think many of our political and social ills would be similarly served. If politicians had to live with the same rules they are trying to foist upon the masses, things would change. If they had all the same health care requirements, all the same tax burdens, all the same rules and regulations that we regular folk have to deal with, the laws would change overnight.

There is this thing called elitism and it afflicts a vast majority of politicians, Hollywood elites, sports figures, CEOs, even many Christian leaders. It says, in effect, “do as I say not as I do.” Also “I know what’s best for you, so you must obey me.” Or “I am from the government and I’m here to help.”


But this is nothing new. In Jesus’ day, the Roman who occupied Israel were walking in tall cotton. They were well fed and well cared for, while the Jews paid taxes through their teeth. The pharisees also were the elite crowd who could do no wrong. They took pride not only in tithing money, but they also boasted about tithing herbs! They had the nicest clothes, the best homes, the best food, all paid for, of course, by the rabble who were under their strict control.

This is probably why God puts such a high value on humility. Without humility, human nature will abuse others and gain whatever can be gained by selfish motivations. The real problem lies in the fact that the elite believe they deserve such advantage, and they also believe that they are actually correct!

You and I know that’s not the case. Lately there have been lots of elites complaining that Tim Tebow is getting a chance to rejoin the NFL while Colin Kaepernick is still shunned. What these elites don’t realize is that character matters. And along with good character comes true humility, something that Tebow has in abundance and something that Kaepernick is sorely lacking. It is somewhat refreshing to see that even in today’s world of elitist woke sports, character still matters.

It’s time for the woke crowd to realize that they aren’t all that and a bag of chips. They’re human beings just like the rest of us. They ought to live by the same rules and expectations that we live by. People need to just chill, and realize that some day every one of us will stand before God with all our baggage, flaws and improprieties. And some of us will have Jesus step in front of us and say to God Almighty “This one’s okay, I paid the price for all his sin and he accepted the gift.”

Now if someone could just design some packing that actually works!

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