There has been a great quest among physicists for many years now regarding the search for a Grand Unified Theory (GUT), which is a hypothetical force or reality that will tie together the four fundamental forces in nature (electromagnetism, gravity, the strong nuclear force, and the weak nuclear force). Many see this as a sort of physics holy grail that will help explain everything and answer many questions in the universe that are yet unanswered.

I began thinking very recently about all the craziness going on the world today, much of it making no logical sense at all. In fact, amongst the woke crowd and the events of the past 18 months or so, we have seen the pundits on the far left, including most of mainstream media, education, sports, government and even big businesses, saying and doing the stupidest, most non-sensical things imaginable.

What would have most certainly been a farce, a joke or a parody two years ago is now actually being taken seriously by the woke crowd, and it often boggles the mind. The things that are happening are far beyond “fringe” and have become downright idiotic.

On the surface it looks like the enemy is fighting us on every front, and sometimes you might be tempted to get discouraged. First, let me assure you, that the enemy always overplays his hand and even now it is beginning to backfire in his face. But although it looks like the war is being waged on many fronts, really it boils down to one issue, the enemy’s GUT.

I’ve been trying to wrap my mind around a Grand Unified Theory (GUT) of far-left insanity and I think I might be onto something. Let me share it with you and please, let me know what you think.

Specifically, I’m thinking about things like this: men competing in women’s sports, men using whichever bathroom they feel like using today, the American Medical Association suggesting we omit the biological sex of children on their birth certificates, transgender indoctrination of four- and five-year-olds, Olympic athletes presumably competing in honor of their own country but disrespecting the flag on live camera, opening the borders wide open to unmasked hordes while Americans are commanded to wear masks and “social distance,” requirements for a photo ID to drive a car but not to vote, organizations like Black Lives Matter who actively burn down black owned businesses and hit black cops in the face with bricks, and the Hollywood stars that bail such losers out of prison, the insistence that we begin respecting “pronouns” according to whatever this man or woman prefers to be called today (and which could change tomorrow), and myriad other things that are just plain ridiculous.

Every one of these activities is being actively reported on in a positive light in the mainstream media, and every one of those “reports” has something in common: the complete re-definition of language itself.

The Bible warns us of such a thing:

“ Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness; Who substitute bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter! Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes, and clever in their own sight!” (Isaiah 5:20-21).

This passage is talking about language itself! “Woe to those who call (or say) that evil is good…” Those who redefine language are to expect woe, not accolades.

If there was ever a concise description of what’s going on the world right now, this is it. And it’s all based on a re-writing of language itself.

Language is exceptionally valuable and powerful. It is only through language that we can agree on what is real, how things work, what’s right and wrong, what truth really is. When the language is corrupted, then there can be no common ground, no actual methodology for communication itself, and it actually becomes impossible to agree on anything, because if language itself becomes fluid, then the concepts that language describes are elusive. This is moral relativism at its core.

Language is, itself, information. Language is one of the most powerful arguments for intelligent design, since organized information cannot create itself. I believe that information theory will be the one powerful weapon that will finally help to define a legitimate theory of intelligent design because information is purposeful, and certain types of information necessarily require an information-giver. Many types of information simply can NOT have evolved from purely natural or material sources (including the genetic code itself).

Information, subsequently, can only be truly discussed and transmitted by language. Language itself is so powerful, because even in metaphorical language, the metaphor, while not necessarily referring to something literally real, is representative of something that is real.

Take, for example, the scripture in Psalm 91:4 that says “He shall cover you with His feathers, and under His wings you shall take refuge.”

No one in their right mind will conclude from this scripture that God has feathers. The feathers are a metaphor, and are not literal, but what the metaphor represents is real: the protection of God over our lives.

Jesus said that He is a door. No one takes this passage literally. It’s an image, and while Jesus is a true and real door (into relationship God Almighty), He is not a literal door. There is a difference, and this is one powerful argument that we must not always take scriptures literally. Language itself is the key to unlocking the truths of the universe.

Language communicates and unlocks truth, and to pervert the language is to pervert the very meaning of the things language describes.

This is why the enemy has to dismantle language itself. Now it is “hateful” to even disagree with someone. Free speech is now hate speech. If you don’t use the new language coined by the far left then your social media accounts are blocked. The enemy knows the power of truth conveyed by proper language, and this is why he is changing the very meaning of words themselves.

If you are against abortion, you are against women’s “rights.”

If you are against uncontrolled mass immigration, you’re a nationalist creep.

If you are against the radical LGBTQ…whatever agenda, you’re a hater.

If you believe Jesus is the only way you’re a religious cretin.

One of the biggest problems is that it’s happening in the church too, and this is, I believe, one of the biggest issues we are facing in these confusing days. I believe much of what is happening in the world is being allowed, or perhaps even to some extent orchestrated, by God to purge the church of lukewarmness, of political correctness, of fear, and of a spirit that kowtows to the culture around it. Christians are being forced to take a side – either with the politically-correct culture around us, or with the truth of the Bible.

Many churches are now fully accepting the politically correct language of the far left in an effort to remain “relevant” to the culture around them, not realizing that what the culture around us needs is not relevance, but a radical message of counter-cultural truth that is definitely NOT friendly with the culture of the world.

They do it out of fear…fear of losing parishioners, fear of losing ratings, fear of criticism from the world around them, when all along what the world is hungering for is words of TRUTH. People long for, they hunger for, they are begging for, the pure truth of the gospel which is based on the clear meaning of biblical words that speak truth and life.

Mario Murillo has been holding tent crusades in some of the seediest and most dangerous neighborhoods in California’s cities, and the typical response is people rushing the stage to receive Christ. They respond to biblical truth that does not mince words. The same is happening in Sean Feucht’s worship concerts. People need and want truth with all its rough edges. Words are powerful, and when they hear the words of Jesus being spoken in love through the evangelist, they respond.

“In the beginning was the Word” (John 1:1). The enemy hates the Word and is doing everything he can to destroy it. The Word of truth caused all things to come into being (John 1:3). The Word gave us the correct definitions for things like the nuclear family, which Black Lives Matter is adamantly against; the sanctity of life, which the abortion agenda is adamantly against; the fact that there are two genders in the world, which much of modern society is fighting against; the fact that people are created equal, which the radical left agenda is absolutely opposed to.

Too many Christians are acting out of a strongly misplaced definition of love. True love is NOT encouraging someone in their self-destructive lifestyle. Gay men live on average 20 years less than others, they experience far higher rates of suicide, and experience far higher rates of spousal abuse. It is not love to encourage their behavior, it’s love to encourage them, with love, to reconsider!

Language itself is on the chopping block, and one of the most effective strategies all freedom-loving people can do is to insist that we DO NOT allow the redefinition of the meanings of words, ideologies, and institutions that have served humanity well for millennia, including the definition of a family, the definition of true freedom,  the sanctity of life, and the definition of truth itself.

And it begins with the Church. It begins with followers of Jesus taking a stand for what is true and right, which has been the call of the Lord on our lives since the beginning of creation. We must fight for truth, because it will not survive on its own. This is why William Wilberforce was able to stem the tide of slavery by insisting on the true definition of what freedom means for all human beings. This is how Ronald Reagan was able to change the world with these six words: “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!” This is how the Bible itself can rightfully say “If you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved” (Romans 10:9).

So what can we do about all this? First, we can demand that revisionist history, sex education for four-year-olds, critical race theory, the redefinition of genders and sexual identity, and other such hot topics have no place in our society. It starts locally, in your local school board and city council, in your local and state-level politics. There is much good being done in Florida and Texas, for example, to stem the tide of the perversion of language itself, as state laws are passed to preserve truth in all its forms.

Get involved, pray, contact your political representatives, share this post, do something! When the meaning of language disappears, so will the moral guidelines that language describes.

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