Seriously, you can’t make this stuff up. Truth is indeed stranger than fiction.
Here’s a website I just discovered tonight. I was searching for “Pro-Life Evangelicals for Biden” and found “Evangelicals for Biden.” Here are some of the profound statements on their home page:
“Joe Biden is a man like any other, but his character and faith set him apart in times of crisis. That’s why Evangelical Christians across the country will be voting for him in November.”
“Joe Biden has suffered, struggled, and been humbled by life. He understands what regular Americans are facing. He has repeatedly said that his faith is what sustained him through his most difficult times.”
“That same authentic and humble trust in God that has guided his life will be the foundation of Joe Biden’s Presidency as he leads the United States back to times of unity and prosperity.”
Pro-Lifers For Biden:
“Joe Biden’s support programs for women decrease abortion and help everyone lead a more dignified life.”
Upholding Christian Values:
“Evangelicals don’t have to change who they are, they just need to reaffirm who they are by voting for someone who truly reflects Christian values.”
Joe’s Character:
Joe’s character is a reflection of his faith in Christ. Here’s how others have described him throughout the years.